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New traffic rules 31 May 2019

  1. A pedestrian must use a pedestrian crossing if it is at a distance of 20 meters. (previously 30 m).
  2. Children under the age of 10 may ride with a bicycle on the footpath inside or outside built-up areas (previously 9 years).
  3. Lateral distance when a car or motorcycle overtakes a pedestrian or cyclist:
    • Within built-up areas: 1 meter.
    • Outside the built-up areas: 1.5 meters.

The maximum speed (1/1/2017)

The maximum speed on an ordinary road is in the region Walloon and Brussels-capital: 90 km/hour. In Flanders: 70 km/hour (since January 1, 2017). Except when traffic rules signs impose a different speed limit.

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